Most of my KDE time have been spent on getting the KDE 4 version of Konversation ready for it's first stable release. As many of you might know it still has an alpha label but that has nothing to do with the general stability of the application. No we've decided to call it alpha because not all the features from the last stable KDE 3 version of Konversation has made their way into the KDE 4 version yet. The major missing features are marker lines and better support for RTL languages. So if you can live without those features the KDE 4 version has a lot that speaks for it, like:
- Integration into KDE 4.
- UPnP support.
- SOCKS v5 and HTTP proxy support (will be in alpha 7)

So about that proxy thing, does that mean when people ban u from there channel u just use a proxy and get in channel again?
Thats where I know proxys are used for, or to hide ur id.
Well, mostly many people need it to be able to use IRC from their workplace.
Okay because IRC is blocked there, so how will you be able to use a proxy in konversation?
The proxys I use are webproxys u find more then 1000 of them collected in one list.
There's now a "Proxy" group box on the Behavior -> Connection page in the configuration dialog, allowing you to set proxy settings.
The config dialog is presently being redesigned to comply with the KDE 4 HIG, so the location might change in the future (also we might want to support per-connection proxy settings in the future; currently the settings are used by all connections).
Which kind of proxy can u use then? To hide my ip and stuff like that while browsing, a web proxy does it.
But I think webproxys won't work.
As Peter's blog post says, SOCKS v5 and HTTP proxies are supported.
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